Calling all climate change spokespeople


As a systems thinker, I am concerned that most messaging about climate change and sustainability is too simplistic to promote useful individual action – simplistic and short sighted. The biggest problem is that we leave human population growth out of the equation.

We urge people to make changes in their daily activities as if that will be sufficient to arrest anthropocentric climate effects. We fail to point out that even if they live more simply and burn fewer fossil fuels, our bloated population will still spend the Earth’s natural capital at a rate that exceeds the ecosystem’s ability to replenish itself. We need both population control/decrease and reduced per capita consumption to erase the human impact on global climate.



Reducing consumption is harder than it looks at first glance. Take plastic bags, for example. Plastic bags and containers are very convenient and, given the extensive development of the petroleum industry, inexpensive. Companies like the one shown here advocate buying new but reusable plastic products as a pathway to reducing consumption. This allows people to feel virtuous without seriously impacting the problem.




Here’s another example. The reason for the collapse of the cliff underneath this road may be either natural or human initiated climate change. But we consider it to be a disaster because of the inconvenience and expense to humans. If there we fewer of us, or if we were not in so much of a hurry, we humans would simply walk around the slide area.



An additional concept that I encounter frequently is the idea that climate change damages the Earth. This is human-centric shortsightedness. On a millennial time scale, Earth’s climate is continuously in flux. Today’s changes are inconvenient for humans, especially those who want the future to be like the past. Ancient humans, living under low population conditions, picked up and moved when the local weather or climate became inhospitable. But we have grown so numerous that there are no more unoccupied, human-friendly habitats to move to. People we used to call ‘nomads’ have been renamed ‘climate refugees’ and niches for them to fill have become scarce. Even if we succeed in reducing human generated global warming there will still be naturally occurring climate change. Our success as a species has been based on our ability to adapt to whatever conditions we encounter. This will longer be possible if population pressure requires us a) to stay in one place, b) to deplete needed local resources such as fresh water and clean air, and c) to adopt social attitudes that resist change in the cultural practices that permit us to adapt to new conditions.

I understand that these are complex ideas which are difficult to craft into short sound bites. But the problem is complex. I hope you will agree with me that these messages are important.

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Filed under Climate Change Commentary, Media

Is climate change going to wipe out humanity? No!

Desolated city

Creator: gremlin Credit: Getty Images

The disastrous effects of a changing climate – famine, floods, fires and extreme heat – threaten our very existence.

This quote, from the very first page of the United Nations Common Agenda Report Summary, is wrong. Yes, there is a very real threat – but it isn’t a threat to the “very existence” of humanity. It is highly unlikely that climate change will cause such widespread death in the human population to reduce the 7,953,952,577 or so individuals now alive down to the 500 or so that would be necessary to repopulate the Earth.

What is threatened? The way of life enjoyed by the wealthy people who live in the richest nations on the planet. Yes, the poor are likely to die first under the influence of climate degradation. The wealthy will be able to move inland, to higher ground, or further from the Equator. They will be able to buy expensive food and build fire resistant, air conditioned homes. Yes, quality of life is likely to decline even for the rich. But no, climate change is not going to wipe out the human race. A comet strike? That could do it. Huge solar flares? Possibly. Global nuclear war? We might not survive that. But climate warming due to human activity? This is a self-regulating problem.

Why is climate change self-regulating? Because, as changing climate conditions kills off our excessive population, poorest first, it will also decrease the industrial activity that causes it. Humans will lose the technical capacity to keep pumping carbon and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Without such interference the planet will reach equilibrium again. Overall mean temperatures may be hotter than the previous they have been in more than 100,000 years but, as a species, we are likely to adapt.


The last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago


Modern humans have been around at least 196,000 years and maybe as much as 300,000 years.  ( They have lived through major climate changes that they did not cause. Some of us more modern people will too.

I’m not suggesting that there is nothing to worry about. The possibility of knocking human progress back to the stone age is no laughing matter. The likelihood of a global population collapse as cultures struggle to adapt to warmer and more volatile weather is not fun to contemplate. But does exaggerating the consequences of climate change help or hinder the popular crusade to halt human impact on planet-wide weather? By suggesting that the human race will not survive we make it easier to dismiss the whole issue.

IMHO, overstating the consequences of climate change empowers climate change deniers.

Flames rise from the remains of a house that burned down in Santa Rosa. (Jeff Chiu/AP)


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Filed under Climate Change Commentary, Future Gazing, Uncategorized

Climate change is NOT “unprecedented”!

Let’s keep in mind that climate change is “precedented”. Earth is constantly changing and always has been. What is “unprecedented” is the number of human beings who are impacted by these changes as well as the human contribution to changes largely driven by non-human factors. Our only two options are to control ourselves and to adapt to the changes beyond our control. IMHO, all the rhetoric about humans stopping climate change is too silly to attend to. Yes, I intend these statements to be provocative. I look forward to your comments and reactions.
Lady on bridge overlooking flooded river.

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Filed under Climate Change Commentary

Internet hopes and fears in 10 years

I just filled out a survey about what I think the best and worst consequences of digital technology are going to be for humans. I’m in a sort of cynical mood but perhaps you’ll find my responses interesting. If you find the questions stimulating, do feel free to reply with some of your own answers. I love comparing points of view.


* Human-centered development of digital tools and systems – safely advancing human progress in these systems
Nature’s experiments are random, not intentional or goal directed. We humans operate in a similar way, exploring what is possible and then trimming away most of the more hideous outcomes. We will continue to develop devices that do the tasks humans used to do thereby saving us both mental and physical labor. This trend will continue resulting in more leisure time available for non-survival pursuits.

* Human connections, governance and institutions – improving social and political interactions
We will continue to enjoy expanded synchronous communication that will include an increasing variety of sensory data. Whatever we can transmit in near real time we will also be able to store and retrieve to enjoy later – even after death. This could result in improved social and political interactions but not necessarily.

* Human rights – abetting good outcomes for citizens.
Increased communication will not advance human “rights” but it might make human “wrongs” more visible so that they can be diminished.

* Human knowledge – verifying, updating, safely archiving and elevating the best of it
Advances in digital storage and retrieval will let us preserve and transmit larger quantities of human knowledge. Whether what is stored is verifiable, safe, or worthy of “elevation” is an age-old question and not significantly changed by digitization.

* Human health and well-being – helping people be safer, healthier, happier
Huge advances in medicine and the ability to manipulate genetics are in store. This will be beneficial to some segments of the population. Agricultural efficiency resulting in increased plant-based food production as well as artificial, meat-like protein will provide the possibility of eliminating human starvation. This could translate into improved well-being – or not.

* Other – you are welcome to write about an area that does not fit in the categories listed above
IMHO, the most beneficial outcomes of our “store and forward” technologies are to empower individuals to access the world’s knowledge and visual demonstrations of skill directly, without requiring an educational institution to act as “middleman”. Learners will be able to hail teachers and learning resources just like they call a ride service today.

yellow robot looking to the right, standing in front of white building

The biggest threat to humanity posed by current digital advances is the possibility of switching from an environment of scarcity to one of abundance. Humans evolved, both physically and psychologically, as prey animals eeking out a living from an inadequate supply of resources. Those who survived were both fearful and aggressive, protecting their genetic relatives, hoarding for their families, and driving away or killing strangers and nonconformists. Although our species has come a long way toward peaceful and harmonious self-actualization,  vestiges of the old fearful behavior persist. 

Consider what motivates the continuance of copyright laws when the marginal cost of providing access to a creative work approaches zero. Should the author continue to be paid beyond the cost of producing the work?

* Human-centered development of digital tools and systems – falling short of advocates’ goals
This is a repeat of the gun violence argument. Does the problem lie with the existence of the gun or the actions of the shooter?

* Human connections, governance and institutions – endangering social and political interactions
Any major technology change endangers the social and political status quo. The question is, can humans adapt to the new actions available to them. We are seeing new opportunities to build marketplaces for the exchange of goods and services. This is creating new opportunities to scam each other in some very old (snake oil) and very new (online ransomware) ways. We don’t yet know how to govern or regulate these new abilities. In addition, although the phenomenon of confirmation bias or echo chambers is not exactly new (think “Christendom” in 15th century Europe), word travels faster and crowds are larger than they were 6 centuries ago. So is digital technology any more threatening today than guns and roads were then? Every generation believe the end is nigh and brought on by change toward “wickedness”. If change is dangerous than we are certainly in for it!

* Human rights – harming the rights of citizens
The biggest threat here is that humans will not be able to overcome their fear and permit their fellows to enjoy the benefits of abundance brought about by automation and AI.

* Human knowledge – compromising or hindering progress.
The threat lies in increasing human dependance on machines – both mechanical and digital. We are at risk of forgetting how to take care of ourselves without them. Increasing leisure and abundance might seem like “progress” but they can also lull us into believing that we don’t need to stay mentally and physically fit and agile.

* Human health and well-being – threatening individuals’ safety, health and happiness
In today’s context of increasing ability to extend healthy life, the biggest threat is human overpopulation. We don’t get too upset if thousands of lemmings jump off a cliff but a large number of human deaths is a no no, no matter how small a percentage of the total population it is. Humanity cannot continue to improve its “health and well-being” indefinitely if it remains planet bound. Our choices are to put more effort into building extraterrestrial human habitat or self-limiting our numbers. In the absences of one of these alternatives, one group of humans is going to be deciding which members of other groups live or die. This is not a likely recipe for human happiness.

* Other – you are welcome to write about an area that does not fit in the categories listed above

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Watch what you sign up for – Hidden contracts and life in the digital stone age

Recently I needed some new domain names for a website I’m planning. Easy, right? Find one of those registration companies, search for the name you want, fill in the blanks, including the one that says you’ve read the “Terms and Conditions”, and plug in your credit card information.

Did you actually read those Terms and Conditions? Here’s section 20 (who gets to the 20th paragraph of legalese?) of the agreement I just signed.

I know this screen shot is a little hard to read so I’ll repeat what I underlined in green:

…that we own all…information…generated from the domain name database. You further agree and acknowledge that 
we own…(c) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number,…all contacts for the domain name registration…

I’m not a lawyer but a simple English interpretation of this set of phrases could be that I just transferred ownership of my name and address to that registrar. I wouldn’t want to have to prove that this isn’t what the agreement means. Could it be that the registrar now has the right to sell my name, address, e-mail, and phone number to the highest bidder?

Perhaps the final sentence in the section is meant to reassure me: “We do not have any ownership interest in your specific personal registration information outside of our rights in our domain name database.” But my stuff is in your domain name database and you just said you own it.

Maybe if I had the stamina to read and understand all the clauses in the Registration Agreement I’d not be worried. Maybe if I were a lawyer…maybe if Section 1. didn’t mention that I am also agreeing to a Supplemental Agreement that is linked to this page:

I conclude that we are in the “stone age of the digital age“. We have begun to invent digital tools that enable humans to accomplish much that was impossible without such implements. But we have just begun the invention process. The tools and the rules we are establishing for their use (e.g. Terms and Conditions agreements) are rough – coarse compared with what our descendants will have. For now, we are all suffering from the virtual cuts and bruises (and crimes) that result from the crudeness of today’s digital instruments.

I hope this registrar doesn’t sell my personal information. I hope my bank (the one that requires me to take responsibility for the security of my financial information and then urges me to use online banking and “go paperless”) doesn’t get hacked. I hope the camera and microphone on my “smart phone” are not constantly surveilling me even when I think I’ve turned them off. Life in any stone age is risky…

By the way, have you ever looked at the “indemnification clause” in one of those many agreements you sign, or noticed that most contracts require that you give up your right to a jury trial? Just for fun, read the back of your parking garage ticket and hope that the guy pulling up next to you isn’t carrying any stones.






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Skip that next latte and Send Fiston to College

Sometimes you meet a person destined for leadership and you want to make sure the way is open. This is especially true for refugees who are hanging on to the edges of economic cliffs. So here’s what we’re doing for Fiston. Forced to leave his village in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo as a young teen, Fiston made his way to the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in southwestern Uganda. There, he has emerged as a brilliant, articulate, active community leader – just the kind of young person we need to build a thriving 21st century. What blocks his path forward? No way to afford higher education. No jobs available without a college education. This is where you come in.

But wait a minute, let Fiston tell you himself…click

See more about Fiston and donate on his page

Thank you

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Indigenous Know-how as a 21st Century Skill

Today I’ve been reading about the Zizi Afrique Foundation’s Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE). The program focuses on:
“the need for strengthening the integration and development of 21st Century skills, and commenced work around this. More than 20 Civil Society Organizations have committed to collaborate in deepening understanding of members on values and life skills, experimenting with what works in nurturing and developing values and life skills, and developing context-relevant assessments to measure progress, share learnings and inform system change across Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In the first round assessments, ALiVE will focus on 4 competencies; Problem solving, Self-Awareness, Collaboration and Respect.” (Read more at

I’m wondering if strengthening indigenous Life Skills might contribute more to improving the immediate quality of life for extremely poor people than “21st century skills”.

Why take this approach? To benefit right away from most vocational, entrepreneurial, and digital technology-based skills, there must be a developed infrastructure that includes water, power, transportation, and telecommunications as well as an economy that offers paid employment. The lack of this infrastructure is the very definition of “underdevelopment” and improvement usually takes decades. By contrast, human beings have lived happy, healthy, often peaceful lives for millennia by passing on knowledge of how to thrive with only locally found materials and indigenous know-how.

Ancient or indigenous lifestyles and techniques are called “primitive” by people who can only see value in the new, modern, or flashy. However, indigenous techniques can be taught quickly, make use of low or no-cost resources, do not destroy the planet, and can be implemented without waiting for infrastructure development.

Don’t indigenous, low technology skills deserve to be included as “Life Skills in programs like ALiVE and the UN Sustainable Development Goal #4 on Education just as much as highly publicized “21 Century Skills”?

Find more discussion on this and other issues of alternative and expanded education at:

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Musings on what education is and is not

I am beginning to participate in a future oriented group that is forming to study “education”. This, of course, raises the question “what is education” along with its companion question, “what is not education”. One person mentioned issues about appropriate curriculum for 6 to 8 year olds. Someone else focused on dissatisfaction of employers with the skills new hires had mastered at the university level. There used to be a joke about Community Colleges in the United States which offered courses in “underwater basketweaving” and other subject that were purely recreational in nature. Current news worries about growing rates of suicide and other mental health challenges now faced by high school students. These topics fall clearly  within the denotational scope of the word because they are associated with schools. Is this enough?

The following chart is my attempt to capture the scope of ‘The Education Space’ in a wider sense. The blue area is rarely excluded in discussions of education. I think the green area counts as education as well even though it may not be taught in formal educational institutions. As we humans adapt to the physical and cultural changes taking place on our planet we may need to consciously address the green spaces on the chart.

Do we want to include all learning under the umbrella of ‘education’? I think not. ‘Learning’, in its broadest interpretation, takes place continuously and often without intention on the part of the learner, of any teachers, or of the environment that may necessitate something be learned for survival. (Think of a baby learning to swallow liquid.)

Does there have to be a teacher with an intention to convey a specific skill or bit of knowledge for a process to be ‘education’? Not in my book. Much, if not most, human knowledge and skill is acquired by the learner observing another person doing something, examining or dismantling a mechanism, or exploring a natural system. There may be no intentional teaching going on. However, there is an intention or goal on the part of the learner to learn. We can include self-education and teacher-led education under the broader heading of ‘education’.




Is this simply an “academic” discussion? Who cares where we set the borders of education? Everybody cares. People worldwide want themselves and their children to survive and thrive. The poor (those who worry weekly about survival) are told by the rich (those who are thriving) that education is the key to get from the former state to the latter. But more and more human beings who have basic formal educations are still failing to thrive, to achieve a lifestyle they would describe as “wellbeing”. It may be that the content and processes we have bundled under the heading ‘education’ need to be enhanced if humanity is to adapt and survive in the world we will inhabit today and tomorrow.

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Filed under Open Educative Systems

Are Equity and Access Enough?

One of LO*OP Center’s volunteers sent me the following questionnaire as part of his college research on Computers and Society. The wording of the questions suggested to me that we need to get smarter about the factors that impact ‘equity’ and ‘access’ to digital technology.

The first question seemed to be designed to establish my bona fides:

What has your experience been with providing low-income communities with access to technology?

newspaper article on ComputerTown USA! from May 26, 1980

ComputerTown USA! News in  neighborhoods in 1980

My response:

Before personal computers became prevalent and smart phones were invented I was filling the trunk of my car with small computers and demonstrating their use across California.
I ran a public access computer center that provided extremely low-cost access. I participated in ComputerTown, USA!, the first project to put computers in libraries for patrons’ use. This greatly facilitated access in low income communities. I also introduced computer literacy to teachers.

My experience is that members of low-income communities are just as capable of using computers and other high-tech devices as wealthy people. Access is related to having the means to purchase hardware and software but it is much more. Effective access requires a sense of agency, a commitment to continuous learning, permission to do things differently, and the availability of long-term mentors, factors that are often lacking in low-income communities.

The questionnaire continued:

Do you feel as though people from low-income households have equal access to technology?

My response:

Of course not. Income determines access to all commodities including food, health care, digital devices and connectivity.

To me the question seems like a throwback to the early 1900s when many people believed that poverty was an inherited trait like eye color or being able to curl your tongue. It’s not the poverty that’s inherited in our DNA. The poverty is maintained through cultural practices, the learned behaviors that are passed from grandparent to parent to child. Some cultural practices allow us to survive, thrive and celebrate our unique community identities. Others sap our self confidence, tell us things like, “our people are farm hands, not land owners.” Traditional cultures often rely on what worked in the past because the environment didn’t change much from one generation to the next. Schools can counter this stay-the-same mentality. They can give children permission to go beyond their heritage, to carry forward the language, art, cuisine and styles of their ancestors while revising work habits, attitudes toward money, and rejection of new technologies.

Are people from low-income communities any more or less inclined to pursue technology related studies than those from higher income communities?

Although it isn’t politically correct to admit it, most of us “apprentice” in our own families and follow careers that are similar to our parents. Our studies are highly influenced by our career choices. If your family is economically stressed you are usually less “inclined” to take risks because you have little or

no financial cushion to absorb the blow if you fail. We (educators and technologists) are making strides toward bringing low income students into our ranks but the cultural and educational barriers remain high. It’s important that we not “blame the victim.”  Instead we need to analyze more deeply the relationship between low-income and adoption of untried technologies and the risks of pursuing them. 

What do you think our education system can do to assist in giving equal access to technology and technology related skills?

Access is just the first step in the process of creating equal representation in electronic technology ownership, use, and employment. Schools are discovering that simply giving each child a tablet computer helps but does not solve the problem. Motivation is just as important. To address motivation our educational system must improve student perception of self-efficacy and overcome cultural inhibitions that prohibit participation in new employment patterns and financial success.

There is no one “silver bullet”, no single intervention that schools can implement that will magically lead to equal access to ed tech and subsequent economic success. Even multiple changes in schooling will not be enough. We need to see schools as one in a chain of community institutions that surround and support those among us who are not thriving.


words related to education and development

Word Cloud from Africa Voices Dialogue Workshop on 5 Feb., 2022

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Research Interest Histories and the Forces that Shape Them

journal reprintsMany of us who read research literature may notice that research is a very “trendy” business. For example, the areas of “personalized learning” and “individualized instruction” became very popular for about 10 years between the late 1990s and the early 2010s. Subsequently this subject has faded away and few papers address the topic. Why?

Generalizing from my personal experience, I doubt that the shift in trend results from loss of interest on the part of the researchers. If one invests 10 years of study on a topic, boredom is unlikely to cause the shift. Perhaps we should explore three other possible influences.

First to come to mind is results. Many research projects focus on very tough nuts to crack. Figuring how to provide a custom curriculum for every student at scale isn’t easy. After chipping away at such a problem for 10 years it may continue to be of interest but an investigator may be daunted by how far in the distance a solution still appears. When significant results are scarce a line of research may be difficult to continue to pursue.

A second force may be the acceleration of technical change. In a field like education, one is concerned not only with the content being taught, the tools used to deliver that content become a subject of study in their own right. As computing devices infiltrated teaching practice, I’ve seen educational researchers struggle to separate the impact of motivation to play with the machine from both learner and investigator focus on the instructional content. Instead of varying one experimental factor at a time, researchers changed the phenomenon being investigated, the experimental methods employed and the situational context from one experiment to the next. No wonder results about the impact of computing in education have been inconclusive and/or unrepeatable.

A third force is inconsistency in funding for research. Funders, like the rest of us, tend to be dazzled by the latest and greatest innovations that are grabbing the headlines. A foundation may invest millions in a line of research such as personalized learning over a period of years and then suddenly switch to a sexier topic. When I follow the individual researchers who were publishing on personalized learning ten years ago, they show up today in searches for data analytics, MOOCs, AI in education, or workforce retraining. Personalization is no longer an effective keyword. Personalization may be an underlying factor in any or all of these new titles but the connection is difficult to track.

What makes interest histories important? By failing to sustain a line of research from conception of a problem to solution, we waste huge amounts of money and slow the impact of research way down. We discourage careers and often fail to recognize brilliant, although preliminary advances. We make it harder for those with an underlying passion for the same interest to find each other and collaborate.

complex sociogramToday we have some wonderful data visualization tools to make interest histories easier to track and thereby encourage valuable collaborations. We can display mesh diagrams showing student-professor relationships as well as co-authorship of papers and patterns of citations. We can see which journals are featuring articles we need to read, what conferences we would benefit from attending and how siloed groups of practitioners can cross-fertilize each other. The migration of keywords that indicate an underlying interest can come to light. Perhaps an even more practical use of such analytical methods would be to alert us when promising research initiatives begin to starve from loss of funding. I doubt that lack of interest is a key force here. It’s time we paid attention to what is driving trends in research.

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