Siberian Friends still working for international children’s collaboration 33 years later

I thought you might like to see what my friends in Siberia are doing today. Not all Russians are trying to interfere with the US elections. Many, such as my friend, Edward Shornik, are promoting activities that help children around the world find a common bond by participating in events like the one announced below. I met Edward in 1987 when my son and I traveled with a group of US Citizen Diplomats  (20 youngsters, 20 adults) to Moscow, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg. We met with families, visited sites of interest, planted trees and got to know each other. People asked us why Americans hated Soviets. We replied, “We came all the way here, spending our own money on this trip, to show you that not all Americans hate Soviets. No matter what propaganda our governments try to feed us, we are all just people who love our children and are only too happy to share our joys and sorrows with you.” I’m still in touch with the friends I met then and we are all working toward more peace and friendship in this troubled world we inhabit together. If you know any young artists, you might want to pass on this invitation to them.

Rotary club Novosibirsk-Initiative

The International Online Children and Youth Art Contest “Heroes in White” dedicated to the International Doctor’s Day


1. General Provisions

The following rules determine the conditions, procedure, organization and conducting the International Online Art Contest " Heroes in White” - dedicated to the International Doctor's Day (hereinafter referred to as the Contest).
Participants, from 7 to 18 years old, are invited to take part in the Contest. The goals are to identify and stimulate young artists, fostering and understanding the importance of a doctor's work and the responsibilities.
Based on the results of the competition, a film will be created dedicated to the participants’ art work and the best ones will be sent for exhibition display at the medical institutions, in Russia and abroad.

2. Contest Objectives

The contest is designed to promote:

+  The development of children’s creative activity, abilities, needs and interestsIdentification and support talented youth,
+  Raising civil awareness among young generation, a sense of national pride and respect for doctors’ work.

3. Contest themes

* Medical treatment and our easy-going attitude
* If I were a doctor
* The life of a doctor
* Helping doctors
* The doctor of my dreams
* My hero doctor

4. Contest art work registration

Original works made in the techniques of “fine art” and “computer graphics” (graphic work, realism). One participant submits one art work for the contest. The works must be scanned and, with the application form (scroll down), sent to the e-mail: marked “International Art Contest 2020”.  A personal photo of the artist is also required.

5. Art contest procedure

The competition is conducted in absentia (remotely). Works must be submitted scanned via email, no later than October 25th, 2020.

A Jury panel will review submitted art works during October 26-30th. During the same time the voting for the Audience Award will take place. The online broadcast of the award ceremony will take place on November 1, 2020 at 1 PM GMT* (Greenwich Mean Time) – 4 PM Moscow time.

The jury selects the winners according to the following criteria:
– exact compliance with the chosen theme;
– the originality of the composition;
– correspondence of the creative level to the age of the contestant, independence;
– work execution culture;
– performance technique and artistic quality.

The art contest categories: winners will be judged in the following age groups:
7-10 years old
11-13 years old
14-15 years old
16-18 years old.

In each age group, plus in the the “digital graphics” category, there are three prizes, as well as the Public Choice Award (voting will take place on the contest instragram page).

All participants will receive an electronic certificate of participation on the letterhead of the Rotary club “Novosibirsk – Initiative” with the partners’ and sponsors’ logos.

President of the Rotary club “Novosibirsk-Initiative”
Fedeneva Julia

Art Contest Facilitator
Tashlykova Ekaterina

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Application form



I (first and last name) authorize / do not authorize to post a photo or other personal information of my child (posting photos, videos and information about participation of my child in the international art – contest “Heroes in White”.
I allow to post them on the website:, and on the page on Instagram contest page as well, and also in the video clip.
*(The Law on the Security of Personal Data on the Internet adopted on 01.01. 2010).

Please, indicate below the participant’s name, age and your data as his ’s the representative.

Underline “I AGREE” \ I DISAGREE



Девиз Ротари – Ротари клуб “Новосибирск-Инициатива”
Девиз Ротари – Ротари клуб “Новосибирск-Инициатива”
Cлужение обществу – выше личных интересов Ротари это… …всемирная организация представителей делового мира и интеллигенции, верящих в важность оказания гуманита…

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