Second Entry: March 18, 1961

June 1, 2019.

I wonder what I was having trouble doing.


I had a horse and a dog at this point. The cats had all died. So had the white mice and the parakeets. Animals were my refuge. I suspect I was angry at my mother and wanted to convince myself to be gentle with her.


Filed under Liza's Diary - shared personal journal notes

2 Responses to Second Entry: March 18, 1961

  1. Joan Adler

    I very much admire your willingness to share the most intimate details of your life. I hope it proves cathartic, therapeutic and healing.

    • Hi Joan,

      I’ve already enjoyed many benefits and much healing from these journals. The original writing was cathartic, rereading them has been therapeutic and this current review convinces me that a lot of healing has taken place. My motivation for publishing this, aside from the fun of writing the new comments, is the hope that my journey will be cathartic, therapeutic and/or healing for someone else. This is a theme that repeats in my life over and over. You’ll see this if you are amused enough to follow my progress.

      For those of you who don’t know Joan, she is a dear friend, a true friend of my family, the Executive Director of the Straus Historical Society and a talented writer. I’m delighted to have her comments.


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