Category Archives: Liza’s Peotry

On the Death of a Secret Lover

I open my mouth to let
the part of him that is in me go
where it needs to.
It flows from my toes and groin
through the chakras
In, out, with my breath,
in both directions,
in all directions.

The corners of my mouth dry,
my tongue searches.
Is it a scream, a moan, a hymn, a murmur of
the wind in pine trees
that hover silently near my lips?

I want to tell the world
that we were connected,
that he changed my life,
me, everything.
That even after twenty-three years of silence
the broken connection

There are hundreds like you,
you have no claim on him.

It isn’t a claim.
Just love.

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Filed under Liza's Peotry

Old and Grumpy Song

Sometimes I write rhythmic prose that needs a melody to become a song. If you like this one and can put it to music, please record your rendition and share it with us.

Old and Grumpy Song

I don’t like women and I don’t like men

I have been grumpy since I can’t remember when

The kids are noisy and the cashier is rude

You’d better watch your step; I’m in a really bad mood!


Everything around me is beginning to fall apart

My feet are always aching and I have a bad heart

Every friggin’ day I’m worried about my health

Think I’ll just sit down right here and feel sorry for myself


I gotta’ do the dishes or they’re covered in slime

But still they just get dirty so it’s all a waste of time

I really should get up and take the time to make my bed

But I’m so gull darn grumpy gonna’ lie right here instead


Growing old is very painful and it just ain’t fair

My neighbors ignore me and my family’s off somewhere

I’m so lonely, bored and frightened that I’m often moved to tears

And with modern medication, – – ah shit! – – , this is going to last for years


angry old woman

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Filed under Liza's Peotry