This is a TEST website for experimental and sometimes broken things. If you want to network or learn about alternative education, please visit the production site.


A resource is a person, place, product, publication, material or service that may help you reach your goals. Check out the resources mentioned here and then add the resources you have to offer. (Organizations are listed under Networks)

We are working on creating a cool database to hold all the resources you tell Open Portal Network about. Until the database is implemented please email your suggestions to: and we will add them below by hand.

Scroll down to see resources arranged in these categories


……….Organizational services

……….Individual Consultants

……….Curricula & teaching materials

……….Online platforms & courses

……….Testing & validation services

……….Portfolios & Microbadges

……….Uncategorized resources

……….Whois –

……….Organizational services – For profit and nonprofit companies that offer consulting, training, and other services to organizations and individuals. Services may be free or fee-based.

……….Individual Consultants

……….Curricula & teaching materials

……….Online platforms & courses

……….Testing & validation services

……….Portfolios & Microbadges

……….Uncategorized resources