This is a TEST website for experimental and sometimes broken things. If you want to network or learn about alternative education, please visit the production site.

Add Your Network Node

If you would like your education-related organization to the list, please fill out the form that will appear below. You must register and log in to see it. Please allow seven days for your submission to be reviewed. Once approved, it will appear on our Network page. If Open Portal Network’s administrators have a question about your eligibility, we will contact you.

You may include an image with your posting, as long as you or your organization holds the copyright to the image and grants us permission to include it on our website. Images must be no more than 1500px by 1500px. If you need help uploading your image, please contact us.

If your organization does not have its own website but does have an active page on another site, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, you may submit a link to that page.

If your organization has multiple locations–and you want the public to know about them–please put the primary location in the “Location” field and describe the others in the “Text that Should Appear on our Network Page” field.

If you need to make any changes after you submit your listing, please contact us. You cannot update your listing yourself yet, but we are working on it.

You must be logged in to register:

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