Because not all learners are the same. KEPLAIR goes beyond the conventional teacher-centered classroom to enable all learners to take charge of their own personal learning journeys. It supports:
Independent Study

Recreational Learning

Wider Opportunities

Divergent Interests

Varied Environments

Materials for Self-Organized Schools

Going Beyond the Establishment

Parent-Managed Teaching

Spontaneous Learning Happening Here

Is KEPLAIR for me?
Yes. Your learning pathway should be as unique as you are. Tell us about the journeys you would like to undertake and we’ll build KEPLAIR to help you on your way.
We want to train KEPLAIR to meet your needs to learn in your own way. Let us know if you are willing to lend a hand.

What will you choose to learn?

A KEPLAIR Learning Journey begins with a pathway
Your pathway to your goal is unique, as is the goal you choose to aim at. You may decide to follow in another’s footsteps or to break new ground. Your goal may be clearly defined or just a blurry direction. KEPLAIR helps you find your way using the data you supply through the “goals-paths-objectives“ natural language dialogues at the top of the design pyramid above.
Your Learning Journey depends on who you are
What you already know, where you’ve been, your strengths, limitations, accomplishments and preferences are what make up your personal “learner’s profile”. By putting detailed information in your profile you enable KEPLAIR to recommend an individual path made up of curated learning experiences.

You will use many tools to learn
Equipment and toys, online and paper printed texts, video and live performances, structured classes and courses, clubs and recreational space – – these are all “learning objects”, resources we employ. KEPLAIR helps you identify the right tools at the right point on your path and brings them within reach. You can explore each one, accept what delights you, master those that engage and challenge you, or reject any that don’t suit you. KEPLAIR helps you sort through the noise.
You are always someplace, alone or with someone
Because we humans have physical bodies along with minds, we learn in a place, at a time, in a social context. To recommend an educational experience, KEPLAIR matches the characteristics and preferences in your profile together with accessible materials and “appropriate environments” to offer a path you will find amusing, enjoyable, satisfying, challenging and in direct line with your goal.